New Membership Sign-up

Thank you for your interest in signing up as a member of Porsche Club Singapore. Our membership signup process is completely online.

Membership Types

If you are at least 26 years old and an owner of a Porsche vehicle, you can apply to join the Club as an Ordinary Member. An Ordinary Member is entitled to vote at any meeting of the members of the Club, and is eligible to stand for election or appointment as a member of the General Committee.

If you are at least 26 years old and an authorised user of a Porsche vehicle (where you are driving a Porsche vehicle owned by your spouse/family member, or where the Porsche vehicle is owned by your company), you can apply to join the Club as an Associate Member.

Documents Required

Before you proceed, please ensure that you have scanned copies or digital copies of the following documents as they are required during the application process:

  • Pdf copy of 'Vehicle Registration Details' from LTA-OneMotoring website stating Vehicle licence plate number, chassis number and owner details for the Porsche vehicle that will be linked to your membership,

  • Driver’s licence (both the front and back),
  • Vehicle Insurance Certificate stating vehicle licence plate number, name of insured driver, and make and model of vehicle.

Additionally, if you are not the owner of a Porsche vehicle, and are applying to be an Associate member, you will require a scanned copy of an Authorization Letter signed by the vehicle owner, indicating the relationship between the owner and the applicant and that you are authorised to drive the Porsche vehicle that will be linked to your membership.

Fees payable

There is a one-time joining fee of $380 plus a pro-rated annual subscription of $240 ($20 per month). For example, should you sign up in February, the amount payable will be be $380 + (11 x $20) = $600. Should you sign up in October, the amount payable will be $380 + (3 x $20) = $440.

Payment will be made using PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can click on the "Pay by credit card" option on the PayPal website, and make payment using your credit or debit card.

Please allow approximately 10-14 business days for the Club to review and process your application. Your membership period (and the fees payable) will start from the date of application and not the date of approval.

Lapsed Membership

If you were previously a member of PCS and your membership has lapsed by more than 1 month into the new calendar year, you cannot renew your membership. You will be required to apply as a new member, and the $380 joining fee will be payable, in addition to the annual subscription fee computed on a-pro rated basis.

Suspension Of New Membership Applications (1 December to 31 December)

Applications to join Porsche Club Singapore will be temporarily suspended from 1st December - 31 December, to allow for new memberships, and the payment of membership fees, to commence in the new year. Please submit your membership application from 1 January onwards.

Thank you, and we hope to see you soon as a member of PCS!

PCS Membership Application Process

COMPLETE the Membership Application Form below & SUBMIT PAY the Membership Application Fees ONLINE

Wait for 10-14 business days for PCS to verify your application & approve your membership

It is important members ensure your details are accurate and up-to-date, as PCS may use key membership information (such as dietary restrictions) for planning and organizing club activities, as well as send SMS notification or deliver items to members' address. If your info is not correctly entered, our vendor partner will NOT be able to fulfil local delivery, and club communication or gifts may not be able to reach you.

130 Beach Road, #01-12 Guoco Midtown, Singapore 189774

The text, image, sound, and all other information published here is copyright by Porsche Club Singapore, except where indicated. It is not to be reproduced wholly or in part without prior written permission of Porsche Club Singapore. The Porsche wordmark and Porsche crest are registered trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. 
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG is a company registered at Stuttgart, Registriergericht HRB 730623.

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